SummaryComprehensive High School, Aiyetoro (CHSA)is a co-educational American style High school situated 37 kilometers west of Abeokuta in Ogun State. The school was founded in February 1963 jointly by the United States Agency for International Development(USAID), Harvard University, the Ford Foundation and the defunct Western region government. The school pioneered the 6-3-3-4 system and authentic comprehensive education in Nigeria. Fondly known as COMPRO, the school has produced many distinguished old students. Website(s): Compronians UKhttp://www.comproniansuk.orgCountry: NigeriaAlumni Executives: PRESIDENT>> Bimbo BabarindeFamous Alumni: Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr>>Founder of Globacom & Chair of ConoilRotimi Akeredolu (SAN) -Past President Nigerian Bar AssociationProf. Abimbola Olowofoyeku Subscribe to group Headlines: Content not available.