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[L'Express de Madagascar] Un espace consacré à la recherche ainsi qu'à la soutenance de thèses a été inauguré hier. Cette initiative a été mise en place pour répondre aux besoins croissants des étudiants et des programmes de formation de l'ESPA Vontovorona, ou École Supérieure Polytechnique d'Antananarivo. «En outre, les travaux de recherche des étudiants sont également valorisés grâce à la
Algérie: Le ministère de l'Education appelle les organisations syndicales à présenter leurs propositions
[Algerie Presse Service] Alger -- Le ministère de l'Education nationale a salué, jeudi dans un communiqué, "l'adhésion positive" des organisations syndicales qui ont soumis leurs propositions concernant le statut particulier et le système de compensation, appelant les organisations syndicales qui n'ont pas encore soumis leurs propositions à le faire dans les délais fixés.
Tunisie: « Kobbet Ennhas » - Rencontre sur les « Etudes andalouses : l'oeuvre du Dr. Jomaâ Cheikha, un exemple »
[La Presse] Le palais « Kobbet Ennhas » à la Manouba a accueilli, jeudi matin, une journée d'étude intitulée « Etudes andalouses : l'oeuvre du Dr. Jomaâ Cheikha, un exemple ».
Nigeria: Nans Clears 15 for Presidential Position
[Leadership] The Independent Convention Planning Committee (ICPC) of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has officially released its screening report for the upcoming national convention, which will be held from February 23rd to 27th, 2025, at Old Parade Ground, Abuja.
Nigeria: Cardoso Urges Telcos to Embrace Backward Integration
[Daily Trust] The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr. Olayemi Cardoso, has renewed calls for deeper backward integration in the telecommunications sector, emphasising the need to localise key supply chains while expanding financial services to benefit ordinary Nigerians.
Liberia: Girls in Technology Liberia (Gitl) Celebrates 6th Anniversary
[Liberian Investigator] Monrovia -- It was a beautiful Wednesday morning on February 5th, 2025, when Girls In Technology Liberia (GITL) celebrated her 6th anniversary which began with a parade through designated routes on AB Tolbert road in Paynesville City outside Monrovia.
Liberia: Press Secretary Kula Bona Nyei Fofana Admitted to Grand Cape Mount County Bar
[Liberian Investigator] Presidential Press Secretary Kula Bona Nyei Fofana, along with two others, was admitted as an attorney-at-law in the Grand Cape Mount County Bar on Monday during the opening of the February A.D. Term of Court.
Centrafrique: La radio comme outil éducatif pour les enfants en RCA
[DW] Le monde célèbre ce 13 février, la journée internationale de la radio. En Centrafrique, les enfants dans les zones inaccessibles à l'éducation apprennent à travers ce média.
Madagascar: Enseignement de la langue japonaise - 325 millions d'ariary pour la rénovation du laboratoire de langue à l'Université d'Antananarivo
[Midi Madagasikara] Le partenariat vient d'être scellé hier : un contrat de don signé entre l'ambassadeur du Japon et le président de l'Université d'Antananarivo sur le projet de réhabilitation du laboratoire de langue japonaise à l'université d'Antananarivo.
Zimbabwe: IMF Staff Completes SMP Discussion Mission to Zimbabwe
[IMF] End-of-Mission press releases include statements of IMF staff teams that convey preliminary findings after a visit to a country. The views expressed in this statement are those of the IMF staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF's Executive Board. This mission will not result in a Board discussion.
Ghana: Ghana Faces Imminent Power Crises As Karpowership Threatens Shutdown Over $370m Debt
[Ghanaian Times] The operators of the Karpowership have notified the Government that it will not be able to continue with the supply of power if the debt owed the company is not settled immediately.
Nigeria: Nigeria's Crude Oil Production Rose in January - OPEC
[Premium Times] According to the oil cartel's direct communication data, Nigeria recorded 1,539 million barrels per day in January from 1,485 million recorded in December 2024, an increase of 54,000 barrels.
Zimbabwe: Zim Economy Recovering, Says IMF
[The Herald] The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said Zimbabwe's economy has started recovering from the effects of the El Niño-induced drought, amid growing stability anchored by the central bank's tight monetary policy stance.
Zimbabwe: Modern Technologies Transform Mining Landscape - VP Mohadi
[The Herald] Vice President Kembo Mohadi yesterday called on mining firms to continue embracing modern technologies and practices to improve efficiency and sustainability.
Madagascar: Over 200 Tana Beles Sugar Factory Workers Protest Demotion, Reassignment to Manual Labor Amid Restructuring
[Addis Standard] Addis Abeba -- More than 200 workers at the Tana Beles Sugar Factory are protesting their reassignment to temporary employment and manual labor roles. In interviews with Addis Standard, the workers disclosed that this demotion and reassignment to daily labor followed the introduction of a new organizational structure a month ago.
Zimbabwe: Learner Suspended By School Authorities Over Long Hair Readmitted Following Successful Challenge
[New Zimbabwe] A learner at Chogugudza Primary School in Domboshawa who was suspended for wearing long hair to school has been readmitted after successfully challenging the school with the assistance of rights lawyers.
QUB denies staff pressured to give higher grades
Staff were told they should note that higher marks are awarded at other universities.
Zimbabwe: Mnangagwa Declares Beitbridge Accident Which Killed 24 a National Disaster, Offers State-Assisted Funerals
[New Zimbabwe] The government has declared the accident which claimed 24 lives along the Masvingo-Beitbridge highway on Thursday a national disaster and has pledged to assist bereaved families with funeral expenses.
Zimbabwe: President Mnangagwa Declares Beitbridge Accident National Disaster
[The Herald] President Mnangagwa has declared the Beitbridge accident which claimed 24 lives a national disaster and said the deceased will be accorded State-assisted burials.
Afrique: Revue de presse de l'Afrique Francophone du 14 février 2025
[allAfrica] Sénégal/Suicide de Matar Diagne : Les derniers mots d'un étudiant condamné par la société