The perpetrators were Muslims of Moroccan origin.
Voters reject rent control, soft-on-crime policies, and an $18 minimum wage.
Israeli soccer fans are hunted and attacked by a violent mob in the streets of a European city.
Beijing must spend trillions of yuan to undo decades of loose credit.
A new report documents DEI programs in the federal government. This is a clean-up opportunity for the Trump Administration.
If you want to understand nothing about your world, watch MSNBC.
We used phone calls, text messages and online and in-app polling to reach a broad range of voters.
Ruy Teixeira says the party went wrong when it abandoned ‘progressive centrism’ and embraced a hard-left cultural ideology.
Angelenos had four years of George Gascón’s ‘restorative justice.’ Now they want the real kind.
Even in a growing economy, rising prices can crush household and business finances.
Shock waves from the Republican sweep are felt throughout the region.
Voters render a negative verdict on the special counsel’s prosecutions of donald Trump.
America, after its long journey through the 2010s and ’20s, is becoming more conservative again.
Jerome Powell gambles he won’t have to raise rates in Trump’s term.
The issue did little for their candidates despite broad public support.
News organizations tried to prop Biden and Harris up. How did that work out?
An airport shoeshine man gave me a lesson about God and his human gifts on earth.
Politeness about abortion creates an illusion of consensus among women.
The field fails to attend to the problems that most interest most voters. Tuesday attests to that.
I don’t care for Trump, but I needed to strike back against the hectoring and fanaticism of the left.