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WSJ Opinion

A Blessing for the Sole

An airport shoeshine man gave me a lesson about God and his human gifts on earth.

Why I Voted Against the Democrats

I don’t care for Trump, but I needed to strike back against the hectoring and fanaticism of the left.

'Leader of the Resistance'

Just in case you thought Democrats are trying to learn anything from voters…

Ranked-Choice Voting Rejection

Despite a well-funded push, voters in red and blue states say no to this electoral gimmick.

Democrats Need a Recovery Plan

The country rebuked the party and its leaders. As in 1980, it’s time to learn how to govern again.

How the Democrats Lost It

A 10-year obsession with ‘Trump’ caused the party to take its eyes off what the voters really wanted.

America Votes for Trump

The people have spoken. Will the political establishment and the press respect the democratic result this time?

Welcome Back, Donald Trump

Trump romps to re-election (and possibly unified government), as Democrats reel.
