3 hours 31 min ago
The NFL marketing coup of the year suggests there’s something wrong with the federal tax system.
Students discuss e-cigarettes and vaping.
Her dogmatic, hard-left views make her a risky fit for assessing intel.
Too many young men marinate in angry corners of the internet.
After raising taxes, she now wants to send checks to voters.
Billy Long can curb the agency’s spending and boost its security.
We’ve lost the reform knack despite 50 years of knowing how to fix healthcare.
It’s past time to fix the onerous CPA licensing process.
He almost certainly lacks the power to end it, and doing so would swell the illegal population.
Trump will need to overcome four foreign-policy fallacies to resolve entrenched conflicts.
Was Liz Truss done in by The Blob, the British version of the administrative state? While the former PM started out with a Thatcherite plan to grow the economy, it ended in a dramatic political tale of betrayals and blunders. All sides are featured, including a long and revealing interview with Liz Truss.
The Department of Government Efficiency may seek to slash the National Endowment for Democracy’s funding.
At the NSC, he was less interested in his assigned duties than in proving his loyalty to Donald Trump.
Senate Republicans have the better strategy to post an early victory.
The Supreme Court should take account of all the environmental laws enacted since 1970.
The Justices can rein in abuses of NEPA by lower courts in an important case.
Assad’s fall and Hezbollah’s weakness were no thanks to him.
A Manhattan jury rebukes the prosecution by progressive district attorney Alvin Bragg.
When all else fails, Beijing tries easier credit again.
An offensive agenda is necessary to promote U.S. interests in the digital economy.