Don’t believe every tale you hear. Remain skeptical and look for real science.
The region challenges every president, but opportunities abound for Trump in 2025.
Clementine Breen’s story of regretful surgery at age 14 is noteworthy as the Supreme Court weighs U.S. v. Skrmetti.
Her latest assault on business is reviving another long-dead antitrust theory. At least she’ll soon be gone.
China’s Communist leader won’t be charmed by an inaugural invitation.
Democrats try to destroy Trump’s 2020 election lawyers.
The takeover of U.S. Steel would challenge Chinese market dominance, bolster our economic and national security, and protect U.S. jobs.
The U.S. will be safer when we become more clear-eyed about new things appearing in the New Jersey skies.
Six months ago, the Jewish state was weakened and demoralized. No longer. Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer discusses what America can learn.
Eight years ago, people on the left vowed to resist. Now they tell themselves stories of the ‘multiverse.’
A proposed hike in the minimum wage for tipped employees would drive many out of their jobs.
The party’s most accomplished elected official in Michigan becomes an independent.
Set on Christmas Eve, Leslye Headland’s Broadway play observes the fractious relationships among two religious parents and their adult children.
Restraining prices is job one for Trump.
The president-elect acts as if he’s already in charge. There’s never been a transition like this before.
The Fifth Circuit rejects the SEC’s approval of the stock exchange’s mandate for company directors.
Congress slinks out of town without spending more on the military.
The President wants to rewrite trade deals to remove protections for U.S. investors in Mexico and Colombia.
China’s emergence as an economic power helped fuel the rise of protectionist views on trade worldwide.
Musk and Ramaswamy can’t just ‘yada yada yada’ their way through the deregulatory process.