By now the resolution of the sightings hardly matters. This is another nail in the coffin of Washington’s credibility.
The postelection goodwill for him will continue if he sticks to serious priorities.
The Supremacy Clause is clear. Local officials pledging to resist his policy will lose in court.
Our resistance, with U.S. help, has weakened Russia so Putin couldn’t come to his ally’s rescue in Syria.
My dad taught me an important lesson when I asked about the ‘John 3:16’ sign.
Donald Trump and Gavin Newsom can find common ground.
The media has distorted my legal work on behalf of clients. My only interest is ensuring medications are safe.
Ensuring price stability early on is necessary to unleash economic growth and a ‘blue-collar boom.’
Students discuss what Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will accomplish.
Trump would send a useful message of accountability by removing Michael Barr as Vice Chair for Supervision.
Democrats don’t hold up their end of a bipartisan Senate bargain.
He boasts about a SoftBank investment but snubs Nippon Steel.
The debate over insurance echoes an OECD finding about declining literacy.
The First Step Act may be a precursor to Trump’s second term.
New York Times readers finally learn that Biden policies spurred a wave of illegal immigration.
The collapse of the seemingly all-powerful Assad regime shows how fragile dictatorships are.
Among other things, schools should curtail DEI and stop taking political sides.
How to avert disaster? First, do no harm. Then take a serious look at costly tax expenditures.
Investors are bullish that Trump can restrain Washington.
Progress against inflation has stalled, and financial conditions hardly seem restrictive.